Reclaim your turf
The underworld cult-classic Scarface tells the story of the ruthless Cuban refugee, Tony Montana as he battles his way to the top of Miami's drug underworld using any means necessary to fuel his lust for power. The ultra violent nature of the movie was criticised by some and adored by others who were totally gripped by Al Pacino's powerful and emotional performance as the hard-hearted Montana. It was never going to be too long (well, only 23 years) before someone came along and bought the rights to make the videogame of Scarface and try to turn it into a blockbuster hit. Scarface The World is Yours has already made an appearance on PS2 and PC in 2006, but Tony Montana is back in action on the 6th July on Wii, looking to reclaim his turf and rebuild his empire once more.
The 1980's drug fuelled world of Miami is brought back to life with some great acting from the likes of Steven Bauer, Jason Mewes, and Wilmer Valderrama, some superb locations and - surprisingly - even more blood-stained violence than we saw in the movie. Tony Montana's personality, look and voice have been precisely replicated by using a voice actor that sounds remarkably like Al Pacino. The main character animates extremely well and manages to nail Tony's mannerisms accurately. In addition there's a no-holds barred script that can quite often be shocking and a character that displays a violently passionate persona, but also manages to amuse and manipulate you with his sharp wit and one-liners. The story and cut-scenes draw you into the headstrong world of the gangster, and although there are moments that will have you shaking your head in disbelief at the fantasy violence, there are other times where you'll be smiling at the tongue-in-cheek humour and relishing the next bloody battle.

Scarface The World is Yours is a brutal, and at times, shockingly violent game. From selling cocaine to going on a blind rage killing everyone in your path, the game lets you loose into a world of drugs and violence where you progressively become more homicidal and ruthless in order to achieve the American dream. The game begins at the end of the film, just before Tony's life of crime was about to catch up with him. You have a chance to cheat death and rebuild your tattered empire as you're flung straight into the action armed with an M-16. The fast paced, bloodthirsty introduction to the game is a taste of things to come as you plough through 50 or so enemies in order to escape Tony's mansion, reach the safety of your car, and start your life of crime all over again.