The first true sport's title for Wii
We’ve all had our fill of Wii Sports over the past few months, in fact probably a little too much judging by the numerous reports of Wii injuries flying around the internet, but it’s now time for something new. Wii sports is great fun, even if those armless Mii characters don’t really give the games that authentic look, but for all intent and purposes, the likes of baseball, tennis and golf were a fairly solid introduction into what we could expect from future sport’s titles on Wii. With the console almost 4 months old, finally the first AAA sport’s game has hit the shops in the form of Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07. But, will we be heading for the 19th hole faster than you can yell "FOUR" or has EA hit a birdie in developing the first truly interactive console sporting experience?
EA did a fine job with Tiger woods PGA Tour 07 on the Xbox 360, tweaking the control system, adding six new game modes, additional courses and a freakily realistic face mapping feature that made our console golfing experience feel more representative of the sport than ever before. Now, I’m not a keen golfer by any means, but in the summer I’ll occasionally step out on the fairway or head to the local driving range to release some of that pent up frustration, evolved from being stuck in the great indoors most of the days, but in truth I’d much prefer to have a few beers with mates and rustle up a FIFA 07 competition for us all to enjoy in the comfort of my own living room. The first true golfing game for Wii promises to offer the total golfing experience and I’m pleased to say that after being initially being frustrated with the sensitive controls, Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07 will now be added to my list of competitive sport’s titles to play when friends come round.

In Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07 you won’t be surprised to hear that the wii-mote acts as the golf club, allowing you to appreciate a smidgeon of what it’s like to hit a 300 yard drive or sink a 10 yard putt. Of course it doesn’t replace the real thing, after all, the controller is only about 6 inches in length, but it is the closest experience that you’ll have on a console at this particular moment in video games history.