Gamble without losing
Online poker is huge business, with gamblers fluttering away millions of pounds every day in a bid to win big. Sometimes they win, sometimes they lose but, providing you only play with what you can afford, poker is a worthwhile tactical battle of nerves and skill, mixed with a sprinkling of good fortune.
World Poker Tour by 2K Games is the latest in a long line of fairly average poker games. You can’t win real money, but if you like poker it’s the ideal practising tool for when you do decide to hit the big time.
As a poker enthusiast and a one-time professional dealer I’ve played plenty of console poker games, as well as trying my luck in casinos and online tournaments. Without exception, every console poker game has been plagued with poor menus, unrealistic gameplay and matches that drag on for a ridiculous amount of time. World Poker Tour has tried a bit harder than most to create a realistic experience of tournament poker.

You can begin your poker career by diving straight into a World Poker Tour Season. You’ll begin with the amateur season, which comprises of 10 tournaments. If you place in the top 6 you’ll be able to advance to the Amateur Season’s Championship.
The premise is simple, work your way through numerous tournaments in order to claim the ultimate accolade, being crowned World Poker Champion. Along the way you’ll need to place high in the smaller competitions in order to win more money. Each tournament costs money to enter, so these smaller competitions will boost the kitty enabling you to afford the high entry fees.

If you’re struggling to make enough money and find yourself short, you have the option to enter a satellite tournament at a reduced rate. You won’t win any money but you can win a seat at the Super Satellite competitions without having to fork out the entry fee.
Your first poker match will be in the Paris Tour at the Aviation club in France. There’s a bit of banter as the camera pans down onto a table of six players. As the players settle down, a lady comments, “It’s like something out of a Hollywood movie set.” Well, no it isn’t actually. It no more looks like a Hollywood movie set than my bedroom looks like Hugh Heifner’s boudoir. So, we’ve got off to a bad start. Luckily World Poker tour is about poker and not about creating the ambience of a real world poker room.