Football Arcade
The polished graphics of EA’s FIFA series have become a trademark of the franchise. Some would say EA have often chosen style over substance in creating stunning looking football games that offer a fairly average football experience. Try telling that to a FIFA fan and you’ll receive a mouthful of abuse. Tell that to a Pro Evolution soccer fan and they’ll agree with you whole heartedly.
FIFA games have an arcade feel to them with fast, high-scoring matches and, once again, FIFA Street 2 throws away the rule book and opts for a mix of aggressive gameplay, dynamic skills, and some downright crazy show-boating.
The main chunk of FIFA Street 2 will see you in control of a 4-man football team where you’ll take on other street teams in a bid to obliterate your opponents with your dazzling footwork.
The game begins with choosing your character. The character creation mode has been enhanced from the previous version, meaning you’ll now have even more pointless ways to amend the overall look of your player. Just face it, you’ll never make your player look exactly like you! New options now include skin tone changes, facial expressions, and branded clothing.

FIFA Street 2 now boasts 320 professional footballers who have given their permission to use their real names and faces. Seem like a lot? Yes, but within 10 minutes of playing the game I noticed Ruud Van Nistlerooy was missing! This may have something to do with the Dutch team’s licensing, or it could be that Mr.Nistelrooy wasn’t too keen on having his horse-like features included. Whether the missing player is an indication of more missing players I have no idea.

There are also a number of key national teams missing from the game, but you’ll probably stick with your favourite team through most of the single player mode anyhow.