Baseball with a a unique Nintendo twist
Stick the words Mario and Super in front of any word or words and you're certainly onto a sure fire winner in terms of game sales, but more often than not, we can also be reassured that the game should be of Nintendo quality and feature many familiar faces from the Mario Universe.Mario Super Sluggers is a new baseball game from Nintendo and Namco Bandai. Having already worked on Wii sports and developed the game mechanic to make the pitching and hitting motion of playing baseball, Nintendo already has a head start in the sport, but what exactly is it doing to make the game more interesting then your average baseball title?
Well, first up it's not an ordinary roster of baseball players. We'll get to play with many of the characters, 40 in total, from Mario's universe, including Luigi and Peach.
The game mechanic itself sounds really simple with players simply needing to swing the Wii Remote to smack a home run, or use a pitching motion to toss the ball over the plate.
The single-player adventure mode allows the player to explore Baseball Kingdom, tackle dozens of fun baseball challenges and unlock new characters that can be used in any mode. You can also play with your Mii characters in Exhibition, Toy Field and Minigame modes. There will also be a four player mutliplayer mode.

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