Bet On Soldier – PC
You know, the one thing I really like about playing preview code is it gives you an insight into where the developer is really putting their time and effort. This being preview code, you naturally expect it to not be polished as those finishing touches should come after the game itself has been finely honed, and that’s exactly what we’ve got here… which is a good thing, a very good thing.

Now I’m not going to make any judgements as the build I’ve been playing is based on a beta version and as such is intended to give you an idea of the gameplay, how the game feels and looks etc… and I have to say, that once the developers Kylotonn have polished up the obvious rough edges and added in the bits they still want to stick in, I think the publishers, Digital Jesters, might just have a bit of a hit on their hands.

Of course, there’s nothing new in doing an FPS, pretty much every era in history and every plotline has been covered twice over by now. What matters now is the way in which you do and how you present your game that’ll get it noticed and Bet On Soldier takes a novel angle in that respect.

The rough storyline is as follows. You play the part of Nolan Daneworth, a soldier fighting in an 80 year old war that has raged across the face of the planet for so long, no-one remembers why it even started. One night, a team of elite soldiers busted into your house, killed your wife and burnt the place to the ground. Of course you’ve vowed to avenge your wife’s death and now fight as a mercenary whilst hunting down the killers.

But the war has taken a new twist, no longer is it just about one side versus the other, now it’s become a form of entertainment. Elite soldiers enter the conflict to slay as many grunts as they can before finally facing off against each other, not for their country or their squad mates, but for money… after all, this is Bet On Soldier.

And that’s how you make a fair amount of your cash. Before each mission, you get to pick which elite soldier from the other side will enter the battle to face off against you. The tougher the opponent, the higher the bet but then again, you’ll earn more if you win. In some ways, Bet On Soldier felt very similar to both Counter Strike and Unreal Tournament 2004, with money being key in how you tool up before a mission and the idea of the battles being a spectator sport.