Mark of Chaos expansion and standalone title
Although a release date is still to be confirmed, Deep Silver is stepping up its marketing push for Warhammer Battle March on Xbox 360, which suggests that a release date is imminent.The single player campaign will offer an Empire, Chaos, Orcs and Goblins campaign. They'll be customisation options, such as a full palette of colours to paint our armies, body swopping and banner design, which we'll then be able to save and bring online.
Namco Bandai has simplified the user interface and the control system to make it a different gameplaying experience on Xbox 360 than PC. The centre cursor for example, which is used for manipulating your units, can be locked and unlocked, meaning that you can move your troops without the camera following the action. Ultimately, the developers hope that this will give the player a solid sense of movement.
Heroes feature heavily in Warhammer Battle March and can be accessed quickly at anytime by a press of the trigger and each hero will have a skill tree, where you can spend points on three skills: Combat, Duel and Command. Like other Warhammer games, you'll be able to capture relics and duel with opponents.
The Xbox 360 version will feature unique maps that won't be available on the PC title, downloadable content and 2 vs.2 online multiplayer.
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