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Southpeak to publish Things on Wheels for XBLA

by Steven Williamson on 30 January 2008, 10:24

Tags: Racing

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New arcade racer due this summer

SouthPeak Games has announced that it will be publishing Things On Wheels for Xbox LIVE Arcade for the Xbox 360. Things On Wheels is being billed as an accessible, pure arcade racing title placing players at the helm of radio-controlled vehicles as they compete on tracks set within a gigantic house. Developed by experienced Xbox LIVE Arcade alumni Load Inc., Things On Wheels promises to deliver plenty of radio-controlled racing fun when released in summer 2008.

A key innovation for Things On Wheels is its non-linear track design. Moving from room to room within an expansive virtual house, courses are constructed from routes that incorporate everyday items as hazards and obstacles. It’s entirely possible that a championship could be won by taking the right path around a set of table legs, or cruelly lost by failing to avoid the searing heat of an electric heater. With huge scope for a variety of wildly entertaining courses, developers Load Inc. are promising to infuse Things On Wheels with as much radio-controlled racing mayhem as possible.

“We’ve been looking to move into Xbox LIVE Arcade titles and Load Inc. wanted to do something brand new with the racing genre. This really appealed to us,” said Melanie Mroz, CEO of SouthPeak Games. “Competing with real life remote control cars is great fun, so why not do it in a videogame? Things on Wheels will deliver the same reckless thrill and as such, is a perfect candidate for us to announce as our first Xbox LIVE Arcade game.”

Things On Wheels will be released for Xbox LIVE Arcade in summer 2008

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