Battlefield 2142: Northern Strike
Electronic Arts have announced that Battlefield 2142: Northern Strike is currently in development for the PC. The booster pack is being developed at EA Digital Illusions (DICE) studio in Stockholm, Sweden and is slated for release in March 2007.
Battlefield 2142: Northern Strike drops gamers deep into a desperate conflict for control of Earth’s last scraps of inhabitable land following the onset of a cataclysmic new ice age. The Pan-Asian Coalition (PAC) has secretly moved into mainland Europe, using abandoned urban areas to establish new strongholds in a last-ditch push for superiority. The European Union must quickly mobilize north to dislodge PAC forces from a series of urban strongholds and regain the upper hand.
Battlefield 2142: Northern Strike features three new maps, including the infamous WWII battle scene at the Bridge at Remagen, an Alpine Titan docking harbour in Port Bavaria and a claustrophobic showdown in the Liberation of Leipzig. The booster pack also features new vehicles including the EU’s heavily armed IFV Goliath and the PAC’s hovering light IFV Hachimoto in addition to new unlocks, new badges and ribbons, new gameplay and more.

“Our number one goal with Battlefield 2142: Northern Strike was to give fans more of the close-quarters combat, increased persistence and new toys they’ve been asking for,” said Kristoffer Bergqvist, the booster pack’s producer. “We’ve also added gameplay enhancements including two brand new vehicle types in an asymmetrical set-up. Furthermore, we’re introducing the Titan game mode available into an urban setting and will debut the intensified Conquest Assault Lines game mode.”

A few years into the most desperate struggle in the history of mankind, and with the conflict focused around the Mediterranean, the Pan Asian Coalition (PAC) seizes the chance to claim the undefended natural resources beneath the ice of mainland Europe. By the time the EU is aware of their presence, the enemy is firmly entrenched in the continent’s harsh ice fields, among abandoned city ruins and soaring mountain peaks. Only fierce close-quarters infantry battles along claustrophobic city streets and narrow rocky passes will eject the PAC forces from their well-defended positions and push them back towards the sea.