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Photoshop your ride in NASCAR 09

by Steven Williamson on 7 May 2008, 10:30

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qam25

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EA's racing series introduces online pimping

The twelfth installment of the EA Sports NASCAR series is due for release on June 10th in North America and EA has now revealed that gamers will be able to pimp their rides with the new paint booth feature.

You'll be able to customise your car from start to finish and, for the first time in franchise history, a car customisation template is available online which should create endless possibilities for personalisation. In addition, players will be able to see their friends custom designed car skins when racing against them online.

The online connectivity of Paint Booth allows players to download a car template from easports.com and import it into editing programs, such as Photoshop, giving users a multitude of design options. They can then upload those images into the game and show off their dream machine on the track.

Check out these new renders:

Click for larger image

Click for larger image

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More screenshots overleaf