Larry stop pointing that ****ing gun at my dad!
And that’s when it all kicks off for Quentin Tarantino’s superb Reservoir Dogs, a film that spawned the new generation of gritty, realistic and violent thrillers… Even the writers of CSI have cited Reservoir Dogs as a source of inspiration. But how do you go about making a third person of what is essentially 90 minutes of dialogue (with the odd bit of shooting and ear-lopping)?
Eidos reckon they’ve got the answer with Reservoir Dogs which is in development for the PC, PS2 and Xbox. We had a look at running code and were talked through the game at Eidos’ private booth. So, how do you make a game of a film that briefly flits over the action in flashback? Simple really, you focus the gameplay on the events before the Dogs start arriving at the warehouse.
This is a clever move as we now get to play the parts that are at times only briefly mentioned by the characters in the film and with Micheal Masden’s likeness and voice licensed for the game, perhaps we’ll now find out just how he managed to capture Marvin, the unfortunate cop who is subjected to the horrific torture sequence in the film…