Ryu vs Ken... a match of player skill alone!
Oh yes, who can forget those entire afternoons wasted on Street Fighter on the SNES? I have to admit to being kick-ass good with Chun-Li though I did have a reality blur moment in a pub scuffle and ended up getting thoroughly done over when my Ryu fireball move utterly failed to send flaming death at the guy with the pool cue…

Anyway, let’s come bang up to date with Street Fighter II Hyper Fighting, due soon on Xbox LIVE Arcade and from the looks of it, it promises to be everything we remember from those golden gaming days!

In addition to several offline modes and numerous leaderboards and achievements, Street Fighter II Hyper Fighting takes advantage of the new online features of Xbox 360 to create a cracking online experience next to the superb offline single and multiplayer modes.

Among several online game options is an exclusive mode called "Quarter Match", which introduces a new way of reliving the arcade versions of Street Fighter at home. Xbox 360 users can connect to Xbox Live and access Xbox Live Arcade to download a free, feature-limited version of the game which offers two playable characters for one match. When you’re ready for the ultimate retro gaming experience, users can unlock the full version of the game, enabling players to choose from all eight original characters as well as four boss characters, each with their own special endings and home levels.

For the Xbox 360 LIVE version of Street Fighter II' Hyper Fighting, a bunch of new features have been added in the online game modes. The new Quarter Match is the biggest and, as far as we can see, best addition to the game so far.