New Team Battle System
KOEI have made the decision to rejuvenate the Dynasty Warriors and Samurai Warriors franchise by bringing a mixture of both games together in Warriors Orochi for Xbox 360 and PS2.
"Warriors Orochi will introduce players to the most explosive Warriors action to date, and the most venomous enemy they may ever face, the evil Serpent King Orochi. So awesome are Orochi and his army that players will need the combined forces of history’s greatest warriors to challenge them", said Amos Ip, senior vice-president of sales and marketing for KOEI Corporation. "In the game, we'll finally get to see and create some amazing team-ups, and we’ll even witness long-awaited confrontations between characters from both franchises."
Without warning, the evil Serpent King Orochi descended from the skies above. Using his unworldly powers to shatter time and space, Orochi kidnapped the strongest, wisest and most courageous warriors from Ancient China and Feudal Japan in a scheme to test his might against the heroes of these ages.
Most of the great armies of these two periods would succumb to the might of Orochi. Yet powerful warriors remain and are ready to continue the fight. Now, the greatest showdown in history is about to take place…
Warriors Orochi boasts a roster of 77 playable characters from both the Dynasty Warriors and Samurai Warriors franchises, while four 'crossover' storylines unveil events where characters from either series are pitted against one another. The game will also feature a new Team Battle System and Weapon Fusion. For the first time in KOEI's Tactical Action games, players can create their own three-person tag team. At any given time, one warrior will be engaged in battle, while the other two are recuperating; restoring their Life Meters and Musou Gauges. Every character is categorized according to offensive ability, and with new fighting techniques, it's up to the player to find the most lethal combination of warriors. Weapon Fusion lets players combine the attributes from different weapons for more devastating results.

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