Axing down the Taurus Demon
2. Boss – Taurus DemonLocation – Undead Burg
Reward – Demon's Great Axe
There's no avoiding the Taurus Demon so it pays to know how to fight against him. Unlike the Asylum Demon guide we're not going to list his various attacks, but give you an easy-to-follow strategy to beat him in the most effective and quickest way.
As you step onto the bridge there appears to be only one way to go. The moment you step through the light, however, take a look upwards and behind you. There's a tower where two guards will fire arrows at you while you're fighting the Demon, unless you get rid of them first, of course.

There are a pair of ladders running up the side of the tower. Head up the ladders before proceeding across the bridge. Don't hesitate when you get to the top otherwise you might get knocked back down. Immediately roll onto the top of the tower and take out the two guards. You're now free to tackle the Demon.
As you head across the bridge there's a trigger point about three-quarters of the way, and this is where the Demon will come crashing down in front of you. As soon as he lands, sprint back to the ladder and head up to the tower. Don't look back and don't delay otherwise he'll swipe you off the ladder.
Stand at the gap at the top of the tower overlooking the bridge. When the Taurus Demon is below you, jump off and execute your plunge attack to knock down his health-bar.
He'll stagger for a moment, giving you a very brief opportunity to get out the way. Lure him away from the tower by running toward the far side of the bridge. He'll follow and try and take a swipe at you with his axe. He's a pesky critter, alright.
Roll or back-step out of the way and while he's recovering get past him and back toward the ladder again. You need to repeat this action three times to kill him. Take the opportunity to get a quick hit in the short space of time you have after each plunge attack.