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20 great videogames on Xbox 360, PS3, Wii and PC for 2008

by Steven Williamson on 3 January 2008, 13:31

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qakwb

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Zombies and a chicken kicking hero

Resident Evil 5 – Xbox 360, PS3
If Resident Evil 5 plays as good as it looks we’re in for one hell of a treat.

The emergence of the Resident Evil series began in 1996 and gamers around the world were quickly immersed in the game's engrossing story and wowed by its technological achievements. A runaway hit since its introduction, the entire series has sold more than 27 million units worldwide, winning numerous awards and revolutionizing the survival horror genre. Resident Evil is a proven franchise that continues to captivate gamers with each new installment.

Will Resident Evil do the same? Well, Capcom promises to revolutionise the series by delivering an unbelievable level of detail, realism and control. Resident Evil 5 is certain to bring new fans to the series and the old ones are going to be picking this game up in their droves. Should be a good one.

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Fable 2 – Xbox 360
Fable 2 will be the sequel to the wildly successful original that sold more than 3 million copies, offering even more choices and building on the core gameplay theme of Fable where players’'every decision continually defines who they become. Fable is one of my favourite games of all time and I’m hoping that the open world environment in Fable 2 will once again provide a unique gaming experience.

Set 500 years after the original, Fable 2 will provide gamers with an epic story and innovative real-time gameplay, including a massive amount of freedom and choice to explore a vast collection of dungeons, catacombs and caves in the world of Albion.

A new addition to the game is integral to the theme of unconditional love in Fable 2.A canine companion will act as friend, compass and protector. Players merely feed their pooch and it will love unconditionally, creating a bond that sets up emotion-filled journeys throughout this magical world. Ahhhh, cute. If I can still kick chickens, I'll be happy.

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