HEXUS.gaming Opinion
Will you still be buying Wii or has the price point put you off?
Wii will retail at £179.99 in the UK and discussions on our own HEXUS.gaming forums and other forums across the web indicate a split view on whether this price is justified.
It’s true that the disappointment of some has been fuelled by the hype surrounding the console. Every single day, in the lead-up to the launch, websites have been speculating on the price and providing false figures without any ‘real’ proof. While many sites cited that the console would launch at around £140-£150 some gaming portals were speculating that it would retail as low as £100-£120.
I've certainly not been exempt from being involved in the media frenzy, I’ve also published articles based on speculation, and after gathering evidence from around the net and coming to my own conclusions, I also thought that the console would retail at approximately £150, but am I disappointed at the higher price...not at all!

Here's why:
The Games and the controller
I've never been so excited over a launch line-up. It’s arguably the strongest in Nintendo’s history with the likes of The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess, Red Steel and Trauma Centre: Second Opinion. There is a blend of different genres that give the gamer a choice, whether you like sports games, action adventures, racing or platformers, Nintendo have almost every angle covered. The controller has been a huge selling point for Nintendo; they’ve looked out of the conventional gaming box and are innovating with the actual gameplay, rather than trying to outdo their opponents with dazzling graphics or significantly improved hardware. It's so easy to critisise graphics on the Xbox 360 because we know that developers aren't pushing the console's capabilities, but with Wii I know it's all about the games and the gameplay. I'd rather buy titles that offer an exciting and new gameplay experience than buying a game that relies totally on how it looks whilst often disregarding the real need of gamers. When I buy a game for Wii I can be guaranteed that I won't be able to play that same game in the same way on any other console.

Free Game
Wii sports will be bundled with the console. Okay I can’t choose the game i want, but Wii sports should give me a clear indication of the Wii-mote’s capabilities. I would have brought this title anyway after seeing HEXUS.gaming's hands-on coverage, and due to the fact that games are due to cost £34-£39, I personally think this justifies the extra £30 that I hadn't budgeted for. Maybe if they'd included The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess more people would be happy to pay out.
Low launch price and price drop
The launch price is low compared to other consoles. Nintendo will be profiting from the console from day one whilst other console manufacturers will be trying to claw back the enormous debt through software sales. Due to this fact, Nintendo could have made the console cheaper, but they’ve been wise to ensure further stability of the company. I can be rest assured that a price drop will undoubtedly surface after the Xmas period, just in time for Sony’s UK PS3 launch I’d expect. Nintendo can quite easily take a cut in their profit margin without upsetting the applecart. If you have only budgeted for around £150 and can’t stretch to the extra £30 it may just be worth waiting till after Christmas to see what happens, alternatively beg, steal or borrow the cash. I'll even lend you the cash if you feel that strongly that the price is too high (my interest charges are extremely high).

Xbox 360 Vs Wii
The Xbox 360 core system is currently retailing at £199.00, just £20 more than Wii. The fact that the two prices are so close could mean that those who were going to buy a Wii may now choose the Xbox 360 instead. It’s true that the two consoles can’t really be compared in terms of the different gameplay experiences they offer, but the Xbox 360 has already built a reputation and gamers are free to surf the net for reviews on the hardware and the games available. I'm an Xbox 360 fan and love the console for the live aspect and media functions, but I’ve also heard the great promises from Nintendo in terms of how the console will re-define the way we play games, and feedback from hands-on time with the innovative Wii-mote has been nothing but positive. The Wii is currently unproven, it's only the word of journalists and those people who were lucky enough to spend some hands-on time with it at E3. It's a gamble, like buying any console on launch, but £180 isn't the biggest of gambles, and out of all the next-gen consoles, it's the cheapest outlay and the console that has received the best and most positive publicity by a long way. Nintendo have made it difficult for people to justify the price when the Xbox 360 has more functions than a Wii, but If I had to make a decision now on buying a Wii or an Xbox 360, I'd choose Wii based on the fact that 1) I must play the next game in the Zelda series and 2) Many of the games I've seen already appeal to me 3) The Wii-mote promises a brand new experience. Oh, and...I've already got an Xbox 360.
Continued overleaf..