Control scheme tweaked for Wii
HEXUS: How does the Takedown system work? Do Takedowns crop up at certain sections during the game, or can you perform a Takedown at any time?Dawn: You can perform Takedowns at any time. You can sneak up behind an enemy and it depends on whether they’re nearby a specific object on what type of Takedown they'll perform. We’ve got various Takedowns loaded into the memory across different levels. They’ve all been captured by Ben Cook, Daniel Craig’s stunt double, so there's a lot of varierty.
HEXUS: Will Bond have any gadgets at his disposal?
Dawn: Daniel Craig isn’t really a gadget man. We’ve done some really cool things bringing him into GoldenEye and we’ve updated the universe around him while maintaing what was great about it in the first place. Saying that, we have got the Smartphone.
HEXUS: What about weapons? Is the weapon set identical in the single player as it is in the multiplayer? And is there a upgrade system?
Dawn:It’s the same weapon set in both modes, but online you can rank up through the XP that you unlock and gain access tro different perks, such as steady aim or shooting from the hip which makes you more accurate. The weapons you have in single player aren't as developed the weapons online.
HEXUS: And what's the Smarthphones' function?
Dawn: It’s mainly used for objectives. In the Dam level, for example, you need to take photographs. You can also do facial scanning on it and use it to hack. It’s got Bluetooth technology so you don’t have to be right next to an object to interact with it.
HEXUS: The motion controls of the Wii obviosuly open up a whole new way to interact with Bond and the environment. Can we expect a gesture-related, hand-waving control scheme?
Dawn: It’s an accessible game, it’s not Wii Sports. It’s a first person shooter, so you’re having to navigate and shoot at the same time so you can’t be doing wild gestures as you need to keep pointed at the screen and keep your crosshair aligned. There are gestures for Takedowns and you can lean with the Nunchuck, but it synchs in really well with the gameplay. We do, however, have different motion contols that come up in the interactive cinematic sequences.
We also have a control scheme developed for people who have never played first person shooters. You don’t need to point the Wii mote at the screen, it’s all controlled via the Nunchuck and there’s also an auto-aim. We also wanted to make it accessible to a wider audience.

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