Character profile of Sarah Morrison
In the lead up to the release of Richard Garriott's Tabula Rasa on October 19th, NC Soft are releasing further details on individual characters in the game. Check out the character profile and back story for Sarah Morrison:Sarah Begins…
The warmth coming from the embers felt good against her skin. Sarah Morrison was careful not to let the hot coals burst into flames, for anything but a slight glow might give away her position. She had searched for nearly an hour before finding this spot and she would be damned before she was going to go hunting for another one before she was ready. It’s not like eating roasted calla root was any better then eating it raw, it was almost as bitter. The fire was more for warmth. Foreas could get pretty cold at night, and the glowing embers gave off just enough heat to chase the chill away.
It was cold the night the Bane attacked, too. A strange frown crept across Sarah's battle hardened face as she thought back to a life that almost seemed like someone else’s. She remembered regretting not grabbing a leather jacket before sneaking out of the house that night. She was 19 then, and like most 19 year olds, Sarah was more interested in having fun than arbitrary rules regarding curfews. Just because she was still living under her dad's roof while failing her way through college, just because her three younger brothers had a curfew did not mean her father had a right to limit her freedom. But he tried. He just didn’t like her friends, she thought to herself as she slipped through the window, silently creeping along the far wall of the house into the backyard. She had become very skilled at getting out unnoticed, something she had been very proud of at the time.

Sarah and her father had just finished their weekly argument about her poor choices in friends. Movie night had been a tradition in the family since before her mother had died… one her father was very careful to continue every week. It’s not that it wasn't enjoyable. She loved spending time with her younger brothers. But she was young and the night was full of adventures. Plus, her friends would think she was a loser if she stayed home to hang out with her family when she could be off getting into trouble with them. So she stormed off to her room, as had become her weekly ritual. Once she heard the opening credits of the movie from the other room, she was out. Free to do whatever she pleased. Once clear of her house, Sarah slowed her pace and smiled as she approached the street corner where Alicia would pick her up. There was a cool band playing downtown in a club they could always manage to sneak into without being carded, just by flirting with the doorman. She looked up into the clear night sky, and thought she saw a meteor streak by. At the time, she remembered something about that being a good omen. Apparently, it wasn’t.