Developer's Q&A
The Q&A is conducted with Chulkov Alexander, Game Designer.
Q: Tell us about the main characters and their different attributes.
A: A player can choose between four characters. All spells, items and skills that exist in the game are equally available for any of them. However, each character has a different potential for development. The Awkward Scholar. He spends most of his time reading books and practicing magic exercises. As a result his life value is quite low but his intellect is superb. The higher are his skills level and intellect, the faster his maximum chi value and its regeneration speed grow. But, on the other hand his hit value and their regeneration speed grow considerably slower. The load the Awkward Scholar can carry is normally lower compared to what is acceptable for other heroes. The Baker's Wife is notable for solid health and that’s why her initial life value is the highest. As her skills level and life value grow her health and regeneration values increase faster. However, her life before the Academy did not favor brain work too much. Accordingly, her chi regeneration and maximum value leave much to be desired. The Fat Friar is the strongest and the most endurant of all available characters. His initial strength is the highest. Noone can rival the Friar in load-carrying. As the Friar’s strength value is upgraded his maximum load will start to grow a lot faster compared to other characters. Sadly, the Friar is not disposed to think much about secular things and relies rather on time-proven battle staff than on spells. His intellect, maximum chi value and chi regeneration speed are as low as in the case of the Baker’s Wife. The Weird Gypsy spent most of her life in wandering. And life demanded her to learn and master a bit of everything. She is not always better than rest but her knowledge of things is at least no worse than in case of most people. Her parameters are averaged. The Weird Gypsy is a little more talented in magic than the Baker’s Wife or the Fat Friar but inferior to the Awkward Scholar in that skill. She will normally resist more damage than the Scholar but the Baker’s Wife will leave her far behind regarding the number of hits. And while you can choose any way of development for your protagonist some would be more preferable for certain characters.

Q: At some points of the game players face „hot-spots“, which have different effects on them. Tell us about the different effects and maybe when do they occur. Are they determined or have players direct influence on their appearance?
A: Changes in appearance of a character may happen along with the progress of a certain spell. Mastering each spell may either contribute to the image of your hero or neutralize changes caused by development of other magic. Thus, a player can directly influence his hero’s appearance. On the other hand, in most cases the appearance of your hero can give a basic idea of your best developed types of magic.

Q: What would you say are the main differences between DoM and Diablo 2?
A: Despite the fact that many called and keep calling DoM ‘the killer of Diablo’ these are two very different games. The first and the most evident difference is that DoM is a game about wizardry. And while our characters are different, all of them are still mages. The entire gameplay is inseparably associated with magic. And even if you have decided to make your hero a heavily armored warrior striking enemies with a huge two-handed axe you will still have to constantly use spells, master and invent ways of how to use them best. Besides, our game is a lot more focused on the plot, ancillary buildings and the world around the hero. Take a look at Avon and you will find that a DoM town is not just a couple of houses and a handful of characters. A town is a great deal of streets and houses, shops and office buildings… A town is a host of people dealing with their own day-to-day needs and often concerned with problems of much higher importance than those of another Magic Academy graduate, what in fact the hero is. DoM is not Diablo 2. It never used or intended to be anything similar.
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