Massively multiplayer swords and sourcery-ness
Righty then, hope you lot brought your toothbrushes as this is a biggie…
The Chronicles of Spellborn is an online role-playing game set in an original fantasy setting developed by Dutch game company Spellborn International using the rather superb Unreal Engine.
The idea with The Chronicles of Spellborn is to be able to go questing with a group of heroes one day, embark on clan conquest the next and engage in the politics of the governing high houses the following. Spellborn Int. are hoping to craft a world where players create their own future amidst fellow players as they seek out adventure, interact with other characters and discover truths that lie hidden in history. Rather enigmatically, they say “What lies hidden must be found.” Which sounds a bit too much like the Patio edition of Brookside to me…

According to the developers, The Chronicles of Spellborn is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game set in the Enclave of the Five Sacrifices. This enclave is a collection of rock realms drifting through the DeadSpell Storm. The DeadSpell Storm allows the world to exist in a mythical state; inhabited shards of rock float through a breathable void that boils with elder power. Nothing but a common history and ancient magic prevents the shards from falling into oblivion. These levitating rock-realms contain mountains, forests, fields, villages and cities built on the pieces of a broken world. To travel from one realm to the other, you have to fly through a maelstrom of restless magic and brave the many dangers that the ever shifting storms hide.

Apparently, the 'What lies hidden' refers to the history of the Enclave of the Five Sacrifices. As the players progress through the game, the true history of the world becomes known. One question stands out as past events are pieced together: will knowledge of the past help safeguard the future? The 'What lies hidden' also refers to hidden doors; new areas to be conquered; secrets to be revealed.

Players will be able to interact with each other in an original fantasy setting, experienced through a unique graphics style. Players can fight with or against each other, forge alliances and control parts of the world. Players will change the world with their actions, from unlocking entire new parts of the world, to putting a personal lasting mark on a small part of the world.

The players' strength is not determined by the sword that he or she wields, but by the skill with which it is wielded. This is one of the things that allow players to create varying but recognizable identities for their characters. In addition, players are free to use a wide variety of faces, clothes, armors and symbols to customize their characters in the game. High adventure is offered even at the lower levels: Hidden doors can be found, conquering clans can be joined; you will make a difference even at lower levels.