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Rainbow Six Vegas 2 - Multiplayer Mayhem in Montreal

by Nick Haywood on 26 March 2008, 10:38

Tags: Rainbow 6 Vegas 2, PC, Xbox 360, PS3, FPS

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qamdu

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I finally get a kill!

The first round was over in seconds as I watched our team leader get mown down in a hail of lead, then watched as my own player ragdoll lifelessly across the map after some sly bugger had detonated a whacking great pile of C4 in the corridor I was creeping along. This didn’t bode well. In fact, the next few rounds were pretty much a repetition of the first as the playtest crew killed us all, extracted their leader, let us kill their leader and then kill us all again, blew us up, blew us down, riddled us with bullets, blindfired me to shreds and basically got the measure of us… which was that we were crap.

So when the fourth round kicked off, I was surprised to see an extra icon on my map and whilst trying to figure out why it was moving, some random button press left me armed with a grenade… which I promptly threw and ran over as it blew. Scratch one team leader and cue the inevitable loss for our side. The extra icon in my map was their team leader who of course strolled over to the extraction point and won the game.

But at least I’d learnt something, so when I next became team leader I played a waiting game, hunkered down behind some breeze blocks, keeping out of harm’s way whilst my teammates went on ahead and engaged the enemy. But impatience got the better of me and, in setting out to the extraction point, I didn’t check around a corner and walked straight into some withering fire… game over… again.

But there was light at the end of the tunnel in the form of me cowering in a corner for most of one match… well, the others might call it cowering but I still insist I was waiting to pounce with my carefully laid C4 trap and remote detonator. Yes, I’d switched weapons load-out to now carry a bloody great machine gun that had a 200 round mag… terrible accuracy but I figured at least a few out of an entire clip would do the job. I’d also brought along these handy C4 packs, so I was waiting for an errant foe to wander by and sure enough, one did. I hit the detonator and was dismayed to see I was too close to the blast and, whilst having topped my enemy, I splattered myself all over the scenery too… bugger.

LevelUp declared the next round to be our final Team Leader session, but now I had a plan. I left my loadout the same as before but decided to use my cunning to defeat the enemy. I hid in a corner and then, back in the real world, I nipped under the table to unplug the playtesters controllers… mission accomplished and to the shouts of what a cheating biatch I am, I headed back to my seat to take advantage of the mayhem.

Now if you’ve ever been bored enough to wonder what happens when you poke a wasp’s nest with a stick, the result of my cheating was unleashed with merciless fury as the playtesters worked through the map with ruthless efficiency. But by this time I had mastered aiming around corners and, seeing an enemy crouching by some breeze blocks, I managed a kill from a good 40 meters or so… but my victory dance was cut short as my teammate Mike pulled me back into my chair… it seemed I was the only one left alive and there was still two of the enemy on the prowl.

Now lucky for me, the light machinegun throws out a fairly hefty bullet, which in the Rainbow Six Vegas 2 world, means I can punch through flimsy stuff like plywood and corrugated iron. And this came in very handy as I glimpsed a bad guy on the floor above which was made of plywood… Now I don’t know if you’ve seen the end of First Blood, but the ensuing sixty seconds started off something like that with me emptying an entire clip in the ceiling, certain that I’d turn Mr Playtester into a bloody sieve.