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Apple iTunes store taking pre-orders on new Bob Dylan album

by Bob Crabtree on 18 August 2006, 13:14

Tags: Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL)

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The news

Bob Dylan's forthcoming album Modern Times can now be pre-ordered (£8.99) from Apple's iTunes music store, ready for download when released on August 29. Apple and Columbia Records have also agreed a deal to make available for download on the same day (but with no pre-order option) an "exclusive" digital box set - The Collection (£169.99) - said to include all of Dylan’s albums and total nearly 800 tracks.

As well as 10 audio tracks, the iTunes special edition of Modern Times also includes two Dylan videos - the "iTunes exclusive" Jokerman and Things Have Changed - plus what the iTunes store describes as a "digital booklet".

High Street and online record stores will be offering two CD versions of Modern Times and many, such as Amazon UK, are also taking pre-orders. One is priced at £8.99, like the downloadable version from Apple, the other is £2 more and comes with a DVD about which we're struggling to find any information - though, presumably that does, at very least, carry the Things Have Changed video.

Bob Dylan Modern Times album

Apple says that The Collection takes in every song from each of Dylan's studio albums, along with the The Bootleg Series releases, and also carries 42 "rarities".  The included digital booklet is said to feature liner notes from Grammy-Award-winning writer, Tom Piazza.

Interesting or is Dylan, despite the album title, far too old hat? Comment in this thread in the HEXUS.lifestyle.news forum.


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Apple - iTunes UK (with link to music store)
Amazon UK - pre-order page for Modern Times