I'm a big fan of Batman, and The Dark Knight is one of my all-time favourite movies. However, my Batman-obsession falls a long way short in comparison to Bob Dullam. That's the guy who, to the envy of us all, has managed to make a homemade Tumbler!
His creation, a full-scale replica of Batman's ride from 2005's Batman Begins and 2008's The Dark Knight, was created in Dullam's double garage. He used just pictures and videos for his points of reference, and the result is nothing short of jaw-dropping:
It's an astonishing-looking piece of kit, and Dullam states it cost just £25,000 - £35,000 to build. It might not sound cheap, but when you consider you could have three or four Tumblers instead of an Aston Martin, it makes you think.
Granted, this thing probably won't do 0-60 as quick as Batman does it, but we can all but guarantee that Dullam is attracting babes like never before. Just imagine riding into town for a night out in one of these. Sadly, you can only imagine, as Dullam has no intentions to sell, he says:
No, not building this to sell. You wouldn't want to sell this if you had one, believe me. It's a once in a lifetime project. I did this alone, no help. I have found with other things in the past that if you have help, the help often does not get it (parts) right, and you have to do it over 95% of the time, plus I like to work alone.
All parts are scratch built, cept' tires, rims, brakes, engine, etc.. meaning all bodyparts, brackets, just about everything external on the car. Yes, I will do a Batpod, and TDK suit for myself. I love building this stuff.
That's right, he has plans to do a replica Batpod - we can't wait to see that one. In case you're wondering how good a replica this is, here's the actual Tumbler as seen in The Dark Knight:
Related reading: HEXUS.lifestyle: Reviews: The Dark Knight