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Review: Intel Xeon 3.4GHz ['Nocona' core]

by Ryszard Sommefeldt on 18 August 2004, 00:00

Tags: Intel (NASDAQ:INTC)

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SPECviewperf®, v7.1.1

Finally, SPECviewperf® rounds things off. It runs a series of tests based on common professional applications like ProEngineer and 3D Studio Max, along with other tests that stress polygon throughput, how the CPU interacts with the rendering subsystem, 3D rendering context switches, and other related tasks, all using OpenGL. Version 7.1.1 was recently superceded by version 8.0.1, but I use the older version for comparison with a wide range of already published results.

SPECviewperf®, v7.1.1

It's pretty much a tie in SPECviewperf, with the Opteron 250 and Xeon 3.4 systems matching each other consistently, bar a couple of tests where either the Xeon is faster or the Opteron is. The graphics card has some influence here too, with the 6800 GT on PCI Express, in the Xeon system, maybe having some effect on the dx-08 test. It's also interesting to note that much lesser specified systems with professional OpenGL accelators, like NVIDIA's Quadro, ATI's FireGL and 3DLabs' Wildcat, can make the two systems on test look very silly indeed.