Visualise this
AMD's new vision is all about video, according to Leslie Sobon, the firm's worldwide VP of product marketing, who said AMD was "being very deliberate about the choices" it was making.
Having done its research, Sobon said AMD had come to the conclusion that an increasing number of people were using their PCs for video-related tasks and that Internet video was becoming more and more ubiquitous, adding "my mother even uses it."
Sobon said it was clear there was a trend towards people wanting to do more visually-intensive tasks on their notebooks and claimed that "more would watch videos on their PC if the quality was better."
With this in mind, AMD recently launched its "Vision" branding, which Sobon - not typically a fan of marketing stickers - says AMD is committed to for at least three years.
The campaign is supposed to make it easier for ordinary folk to know
what their potential product purchase is capable of, without confusing
them with an abundance of "speeds
and feeds."
With Vision, AMD is grouping PCs into four tiers: Vision, Vision Premium, Vision Ultimate and Vision Black. The tiers roughly correspond to the entry-level, mid-range, high-end, and enthusiast market segments, with each machine having a suitable combination of CPU, GPU, and other hardware to hit the right price/performance point.
"PC buyers today are not using speeds and feeds to make purchase decisions," Sobon declared noting that "many times consumers will walk away with a machine that's either too much for them or too little for them."
The new branding, therefore, is aimed at marketing to consumers "in a language they understand." "This is absolutely about graphics and making graphics matter," Sobon emphasised.
"We're very focused on the entertainment perspective," explained Sobon, adding "it's all about entertainment."