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PowerColor unveils pre-overclocked, custom-cooled Radeon HD 6850

by Parm Mann on 2 November 2010, 14:40

Tags: PowerColor (6150.TWO)

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Pre-overclocked derivatives of AMD's impressive Radeon HD 6850 are starting to trickle out, and PowerColor's getting in on the act with the PCS+ HD6850.

Out the box, the card's Radeon HD 6850 core is clocked at 820MHz (up from 775MHz) and it's hooked up via a 256-bit bus to 1GB of GDDR5 memory operating an effective 4,400MHz (up from the standard 4,000MHz).

A healthy factory overclock, and PowerColor has gone the extra yard by adding a custom-designed cooler. Consisting of three copper heatpipes, an array of aluminium fins that stretch the full length of the card and a single 90mm fan, it promises to lower temperatures by up to 15 per cent compared to AMD's reference design, whilst keeping noise levels down to 30dB.

There's no mention of pricing, but we do know the card sticks with AMD's standard selection of ports - dual-link DVI, HDMI and dual mini DisplayPort - and there's a twist in the bundle as each PCS+ HD6850 will ship with a copy of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2*.


*Unless you live in Germany, Japan or China.

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