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Classic Atari games wriggle onto Xbox 360

by Steven Williamson on 1 May 2007, 09:14

Tags: Xbox 360, Atari (EPA:ATA), Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT), Xbox 360

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Xbox live Wednesday

This week sees two Atari coin-op classics hitting the Xbox live arcade.

With Centipede and Millipede on Xbox LIVE Arcade, Atari delivers the same gaming sights, sounds and action as the originals. In addition to the classic form of each title, gamers can also play evolved, enhanced versions that include new graphics, sounds and special effects.

"Atari's 'Centipede' and 'Millipede' on Xbox LIVE Arcade are great examples of classic games taken to the next level. The evolved versions of both games provide gamers with the gameplay they know and love, and are now stunningly rendered in high definition graphics," said Chris Early, product unit manager for Microsoft Casual Games. "Now that gamers have direct access to 'Centipede' and 'Millipede' through Xbox LIVE Arcade, it will be easier than ever for fans of all ages to enjoy these classics just like gamers did in neighborhood arcades decades ago."

"Atari's classic video games, especially Centipede and Millipede, have had a huge fan base since the originals first entered the marketplace in 1980," said Emily Anadu, product manager, Atari, Inc. "By offering these titles on Xbox LIVE Arcade, Atari extends its classic library to a modern audience and further reaches a global community of gamers."

The classic version of Centipede challenges gamers to defend their villages against an onslaught of centipedes, spiders, army ants and more. Users will also have access to the evolved version which features pre- rendered, high definition graphics, special effects like motion blur, trails and particle-based explosions that make this classic as enjoyable today as it was in the arcade decades ago.

Obliterating a chain of arthropods that creep down from the top of the screen is the primary challenge in Millipede. Scattered mushrooms are the gamers' main tool to shoot, destroy and redirect the menacing millipedes. The Xbox LIVE Arcade evolved version of Millipede has been overhauled with updated graphics to offer a modernized version of this Atari Classic.

In addition to these two titles, Micrsoft has confirmed that "Catan" will be available for download, a game which puts players in the role of colonists on a newly discovered island, where they vie for control of valuable territory and resources through strategy and trading. The game can be learned in just minutes, but will challenge players of all skill levels, even the experts!

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I didn't know there were any classic Atari games ;)

Seriously though, like much of gaming's early history, there's very little from their back catalogue that has stood the test of time IMO except perhaps for StarWars which without the yoke is a pretty lame experience (though I hear a wii controller makes a good substitute).

And considering the excellent job that MAME does ….
I didn't know there were any classic Atari games ;)

Seriously though, like much of gaming's early history, there's very little from their back catalogue that has stood the test of time IMO except perhaps for StarWars which without the yoke is a pretty lame experience (though I hear a wii controller makes a good substitute).

And considering the excellent job that MAME does ….

Yeah, I think in this case. Classic just means old:)