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Xbox 360 Skyrim has texture issues

by Stephen Coleman on 14 November 2011, 13:41

Tags: Bethesda Softworks, PC

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qa73b

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Last week a video hit YouTube depicting a graphical issue with Skyrim on the Xbox 360, which launched last week. Ever since the issue was flagged other users have complained that some high resolution textures in the game fail to load.



Bethesda has acknowledged that there is indeed an issue and has gone on to post the following message on the official Skyrim forums:

Skyrim uses a lot of dynamic streaming systems, including textures. We’ve seen a few reports of certain textures temporarily scaling down on the Xbox 360, and not scaling back up. We have verified that this issue does not occur when playing off the disk and when the game is fully cached (not installed).
Skyrim makes heavy use of the Xbox 360 caching system, and caches over the normal course of play while in menus or interiors. This cache can be wiped when other games are played or when the user manually removes it. We’re working on a solution in the next title update for those who have installed the game.
In the meantime, until a solution is found, we recommend Xbox 360 users play directly from the disc rather than installing.

HEXUS Forums :: 12 Comments

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We seem to live in a time when games are allowed to be released broken - anyone else fed with this attitude that developers can't seem to get stuff 100% right anymore. Maybe these modern developers/programmers need to start with something simple - like program a game first for a ZX81.
It does appear to be one of the few really bad things the internet has created :(
High resolution dont load? there isnt any…. i dont see how you can call them high resolution textures :P.

Either way, stupid bug but easy to fix one would assume, i just want them to release high res textures for pc as its terrible, the game was only 5gb which it shouldnt at this scale!
We seem to live in a time when games are allowed to be released broken - anyone else fed with this attitude that developers can't seem to get stuff 100% right anymore. Maybe these modern developers/programmers need to start with something simple - like program a game first for a ZX81.

As much as I agree with your sentiment, we (I'm speaking as a games developer in the industry) aren't writing ZX81 games any more. We're writing games with tens/hundreds of thousands of lines of code and all of this code needs work on every platform and hardware configuration.

As much as you can argue that solid code should work properly in the first place, this just isn't how things work in the real world, unfortunately. Bugs happen.

Rather than blaming the programmers, consider blaming the Q.A. department for not finding the bug in their months of testing. Again though, it's difficult to effectively test such a huge game on so many possible hardware configurations.
Well, to blame QA isn't a good idea either as I've read many things where bugs are picked up but it is decided (for monetary or release date reasons) to leave them alone, after all there is finite resources to deal with them.

For something like Skyrim/Fallout 3/NV I give them some leeway on scripting/quest etc as the games are so vast, however, regarding textures no game gets let off as it's an obvious thing they can and should fix before release.