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Call of Duty: Ghosts runs native at 720p on Xbox One, 1080p on PS4

by Mark Tyson on 31 October 2013, 10:45

Tags: Xbox, PlayStation, PC

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qab4mv

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Developer Infinity Ward has confirmed rumours that the Microsoft Xbox One version of Call of Duty: Ghosts runs at a lower native resolution than upon the Sony PlayStation 4. Infinity Ward producer, Mark Rubin, confirmed the fact via Twitter, informing us that Xbox One imagery is upscaled from 720p to 1080p yet is "native 1080p on PS4". The reason behind the rendering disparity, added Rubin, was that each console was optimised to hit 60fps during gameplay.

As the EuroGamer article suggests, this news is a blow to Microsoft which has tried to downplay the speed differences between its own and Sony’s next-gen hardware. In early August we heard news of a pre-launch GPU boosting tweak which had been implemented by Microsoft to speed up its next gen console. Also Microsoft previously boasted of its 300,000 server cloud to render “latency-insensitive” graphics. That cloud isn’t looking so helpful right now...

Battlefield 4: PS4 wins the next-gen console race again - but both crushed by PC.

Earlier this week EuroGamer compared the newly released Battlefield 4 on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and a gaming PC. This article revealed that the internal resolution the consoles render the game graphics at were; 1280x720 pixels for the Xbox One and 1600x900 pixels for the PS4.

EuroGamer said this of the PS4's superior resolution when compared to the Xbox One; “As well as cutting down on jagged edges, this reduces the amount of pixel shimmer we see in motion on complex shaders or thin geometry, with distant power lines, scaffolding and other elements with sub-pixel elements creating unwanted flickering on Xbox One”. However the final picture quality if affected by the upscaling to 1080p on both machines. It was found that the Xbox One imagery seemed crisper and to ‘pop’ off the screen a bit more compared with the softer Sony output due to some post processing by the Microsoft machine. You can read much more detailed comparisons here.

Turning to the PC version of Battlefield 4, using a system based upon an eight-core AMD FX-8350 CPU, 8GB of RAM and dual-Crossfired HD 7970s EuroGamer’s testing found “the PC untouchable here on its ultra settings”. A video comparing the PC and PS4 embedded below, watch at 1080p for the clearest comparison.

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I'm sure as the consoles progress most games will be hitting 1080p 60hz on the PS4, but the Xbox One really is a bit gimped and I think most games will end up staying at 720p.

The good thing is hopefully they will be able to learn more tricks for x86-64 and AMD graphics that will translate over to better games for the PC.
@KrisWragg - But does this not also mean the PS4 is gimped? I'm shocked at both of them. You would think that the next gen's consoles would at least be capable of running, say, Crysis 3 at 1080p on Ultra settings at 60fps if they're going to survive the coming years. Of course there will be massive refinements to coding efficiency and technique over the next few years, but nonetheless I would have thought the design goal would have set a benchmark such as that.

And yet here we are with PS4 supporters crowing at the XO mob because their box does 60fps CoD at a lowly 900p. This is not good news for any of us. As a PC player, I want the console customers to have superb hardware so that PC games can finally break out of the shackles they've been in for several years.

PS @Hexus - why does this headline say the PS4 runs the game at 1080p when it does not?
since when 1600x900 is 1080p?
more like 900p to me
@KrisWragg - But does this not also mean the PS4 is gimped? I'm shocked at both of them. You would think that the next gen's consoles would at least be capable of running, say, Crysis 3 at 1080p on Ultra settings at 60fps if they're going to survive the coming years. Of course there will be massive refinements to coding efficiency and technique over the next few years, but nonetheless I would have thought the design goal would have set a benchmark such as that.

And yet here we are with PS4 supporters crowing at the XO mob because their box does 60fps CoD at a lowly 900p. This is not good news for any of us. As a PC player, I want the console customers to have superb hardware so that PC games can finally break out of the shackles they've been in for several years.

PS @Hexus - why does this headline say the PS4 runs the game at 1080p when it does not?

you are mixing things up. CoD is 1080p on the ps4. What is 1600x900 is battlefield 4, a much better looking game. Sure its a lower res than 1080p but it seems to come close to the PC version in quality and at 60fps…

Also, the resolution is enough for PCs to break the shackles. What matters more is the level of detail and effects the consoles can manage and these are much improved. The 8GB of RAM is sure to give us better textures for example. We will be free of directx 9 games finally and games will start to be 64bit as well.
@KrisWragg - But does this not also mean the PS4 is gimped? I'm shocked at both of them. You would think that the next gen's consoles would at least be capable of running, say, Crysis 3 at 1080p on Ultra settings at 60fps if they're going to survive the coming years.
And you think that Crysis3 @ 1080p with maxed settings at a sustained 60fps is going to be remotely achievable on a console that costs £400 in total? From the benches I've seen you'd probably have to spend that £400 on a graphics card alone that's able to handle that. Put it this way, I'd be pleasantly surprised if you can get a whole PC system that can deliver on your requirement for less than double the cost of a PS4. :wallbash:
And yet here we are with PS4 supporters crowing at the XO mob because their box does 60fps CoD at a lowly 900p.
Erm, no. I suggest you take a minute and actually read the article. :redcard: It says: (I've underlined the relevant bits)
Developer Infinity Ward has confirmed rumours that the Microsoft Xbox One version of Call of Duty: Ghosts runs at a lower native resolution than upon the Sony PlayStation 4. Infinity Ward producer, Mark Rubin, confirmed the fact via Twitter, informing us that Xbox One imagery is upscaled from 720p to 1080p yet is "native 1080p on PS4".
Earlier this week EuroGamer compared the newly released Battlefield 4 on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and a gaming PC. This article revealed that the internal resolution the consoles render the game graphics at were; 1280x720 pixels for the Xbox One and 1600x900 pixels for the PS4.
In other words - CoD is 1080p and BF4 is 900p. :rolleyes:
PS @Hexus - why does this headline say the PS4 runs the game at 1080p when it does not?
See that first quote above, Mark Rubin (CoD's producer) says "native 1080p on PS4“ which is why the Hexus headline repeats that. Now if the headline said ”BF4 runs native at 720p on XBox One, 1080p on PS4" then you'd have grounds to complain. But it doesn't, and you don't. :Oops: