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Gigabyte reportedly works on extras for X79 mainboards

by Navin Maini on 3 November 2011, 15:27

Tags: Gigabyte (TPE:2376)

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We reported on Gigabyte's upcoming X79 line-up last week, and it looks like the company is working hard to throw in that little something extra.



What you see above, is a Bluetooth 4.0 + WiFi card - consisting of a PCIe to mini-PCIe adapter. WiFi comes courtesy of an Atheros chipset and two antennas. We're talking about 150Mbps here though, and there's no MIMO support. The WiFi part of the combination, utilises the PCIe connectivity.



As for the Bluetooth 4.0 part of the equation, the card connects to the mainboard via a cable, and there's also a USB port on the card itself - internally.

It's said that the Bluetooth 4.0 + WiFi card will ship with the X79-UD5, X79-UD7 and G1. Assassin 2 SKUs.

Image Source: VR-Zone

HEXUS Forums :: 4 Comments

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Nice, but why couldn't they put the chip on the board instead of taking up a PCI-E slot?
Is that a USB port on the top of the PCIE card ?
Btw, why couldnt they add things like LCd poster, OC button, etc.
That is indeed a USB port on top of the card.

The PCIe interface is used for the WiFi and USB for the bluetooth, mini PCIe carries both PCIe and USB signals. The cable which connects the card to the motherboard's internal USB header is a two port internal cable, that leaves one spare - hence the USB port.

I think this is a poor effort, I'd expect a high end board such as this to boast 300N and some form of MIMO. A third antenna and a 300N WiFI card isn't too much to ask for…

Is it just me, or does that thing look like it could run a small airport?

It looks awesomely complex without any (additional) components!