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“R2D2” - backdoor Trojan invading privacy?

by Steven Williamson on 10 October 2011, 09:39

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qa7kx

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A new report by the long-established German hacker group Chaos Computer Club (CCC) claims that the German government may have unleashed a backdoor Trojan Horse program, allowing them to spy on its people.

Dubbed "R2D2" due to the ""C3PO-r2d2-POE" string located inside the Trojan, CCC claims that it allows the monitoring Internet activity, including the recording of MSN Messenger conversations, Skype calls and Yahoo messenger chat.

A 20-page document released by the group, translated in part into English, claims: "The malware can not only siphon away intimate data but also offers a remote control or backdoor functionality for uploading and executing arbitrary other programs. Significant design and implementation flaws make all of the functionality available to anyone on the internet."

It's common knowledge that the German courts have allowed police to deploy a Trojan known as "Bundestrojaner" ("State Trojan") to record Skype conversations for specific lawful activity, but CCC is concerned that "R2D2" takes things a step further with the snooping and reports it contains a keylogger and is also capable of taking JPEG shots of user's screens.

After analysis of the Trojan, a CCC spokesperson sent out a message calling for hackers to help analyse the malware further:

"The clandestine infiltration of IT systems by government agencies must stop," reads the statement. "At the same time we would like to call on all hackers and people interested in technology to further analyze the malware, so that at least some benefit can be reaped from this embarrassing eavesdropping attempt. Also, we will gladly continue to receive copies of other versions of government malware off your hands."

The document contains no proof that the German government was involved, but with news spreading fast across the 'net, an official statement is expected shortly.

You can read the full statement regarding the "R2D2" trojan at the official CCC website.

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