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7digital First to Offer New Radiohead Album in High Quality 24-bit FLAC Format

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  • New Radiohead album ‘The King of Limbs' released exclusively on 7digital in ‘better-than-CD' 24-bit FLAC format
  • World first ‘HD' digital new album release from a major artist
  • 7digital pioneering the move towards high quality digital music downloads.

London, UK, 28th March 2011 - 7digital, the leading digital media company, today announced Radiohead's latest album, The King of Limbs, is available exclusively for download in the high definition 24-bit FLAC audio format from 7digital.com.

The album will be available from 7digital stores across 32 territories in the high-quality FLAC (free lossless audio codec) 24-bit format. The release is the first time a new album from a major artist has been released in this high quality format, and is the first step in 7digital's move towards higher quality digital music downloads.

This deluxe digital version will also include a 16-bit FLAC and AAC 320kbps version of the album. This allows easy sync and playback on music devices that do not support FLAC format, such as Apple's iPod.

Ben Drury, CEO 7digital comments, "We support listener choice and strive to offer our customers the highest quality music downloads possible. That's why we're pioneering the move towards higher quality audio formats that offer higher quality music than the CD equivalents.

"The Radiohead album, produced by Nigel Godrich was recorded in 24-bit digital audio and it's great listeners will now be able to download and hear the album in the quality it was recorded at.

"Films, television, and visual media have all moved towards higher quality HD formats, and the 24-bit FLAC format is essentially ‘FLAC HD'. The release of Radiohead's album is the first new release from a major artist, and we'll be extensively supporting FLAC and FLAC 24-bit going forward." 

The King of Limbs will be available in the high quality FLAC 24-bit format in 32 territories including the UK, US, Canada, Germany, Belgium, Ireland, Sweden, France, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, and Austria.

What is FLAC?

  • The Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC) is an open source audio compression format.
  • Unlike other popular audio compression formats, such as MP3 and AAC, sound quality is not reduced during digital compression of tracks.
  • FLAC files are higher quality than equivalent MP3 files, and can be encoded at 16-bit or 24-bit. This refers to the quality of the digitised analogue signal. Music encoded on CDs is 16-bit quality.
  • 24-bit quality recordings are higher quality, making for a clearer sound so every note and instrument can be heard.
  • FLAC files can be played on a range of devices including Sony's Playstation Portable, Samsung Galaxy S, SanDisk media players, BlackBerry smartphones and LogiTech Squeezebox models.
  • The format is also compatible with a variety of media players, including Winamp and Songbird.

The deluxe digital album is available from today (28th March 2011) at www.7digital.com in the UK priced at £8.99.

About 7digital

Established in 2004, 7digital.com is a leading, globally operating digital media delivery company based in London. Through 7digital's download store (www.7digital.com) and mobile applications consumers can access over 13,000,000 legal high quality MP3 music tracks, as well as audiobooks and videos, at competitive prices across Europe and North America.

Combining 7digital's secure and robust technology platform with the broadest agreements in the digital media industry, the company provides comprehensive digital download services to a wide range of partners around the world. 7digital has worked with record companies, artists, FMCG brands, retailers, consumer electronics companies, fashion brands, advertising agencies and many other organisations to harness the power of digital entertainment - music, video, audiobooks and ebooks - to engage customers.

The 7digital API (Application Programming Interface) allows developers to use and license the 7digital technology platform with over 13,000,000 tracks to create new music websites, applications and devices or to integrate music into existing services.

7digital has provided digital media services to hundreds of international partners including, RIM, Sony, Samsung, Toshiba, Ubuntu, Spotify, Shazam, Last.fm, Winamp, Songbird, HMV, Waterstone's, Pernod Ricard, Nestlé, Arcadia Group, Adidas, Procter and Gamble, Universal Music, EMI, Warner Music and Sony Music and have delivered millions of digital products in over 25 countries. 

For more information visit www.7digital.com/business