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Mass Effect (2) Ascension coming to Xbox 360?

by Steven Williamson on 21 December 2007, 09:09

Tags: Mass Effect Ascension, Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT), Xbox 360, RPG

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Sequel in the making

Rumours that Electronic Art's recent acquisition of Bioware Corp would affect the development of the Mass Effect triogy have today been debunked, following confirmation that the second game is in the making.

Del-Rey Books and author Drew Karpyshyn have announced the title of the second volume in the Mass Effect series of novels: Mass Effect: Ascension. Set between the first and second game, the novel will arrive in Summer 2008.

The first novel in the trilogy was entitled Mass Effect: Revelation, but the first videogame was simply called Mass Effect, so there's no guarantee that the RPG will be named Mass Effect: Ascension.

Mass Effect became one of the best selling games of 2007 after selling more than 1 million copies in three weeks.

An official announcement of the title has yet to be made.

HEXUS Forums :: 2 Comments

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Sweet, I'm hoping this one will be a bit more polished than ME1. I do love ME, I think it's fantastic, but there were definitely areas that needed room for improvement.
Same here, I'll get the next one for sure. Mass Effect shows loads of promise. Still don't think it's a patch on KOTOR though.