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Battlefield 3 Vault cases cool, light up and make you look hard

by Steven Williamson on 13 October 2011, 10:45

Tags: Electronic Arts (NASDAQ:EA), PC

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If you’re looking for the ultimate reason to brag to your Battlefield-loving friends then check this bad boy out.

EA and Calibur 11 have teamed up to create a customisable high-end case for your Xbox 360 Slim and PlayStation Slim!

The Battlefield Vault sports a performance grid that cools down your system and features a customistable body allowing you to attach a range of accessories.

The case features a 3-mode LED light up claymore, a smoke body and a DICE logo smoke grenade.

Here's the full list of features:
- Exclusive Battlefield 3 Smoke Body
- 3-Mode LED Light Up Claymore
- DICE Logo Smoke Grenade
- Battery Powered Lighting Effects
- Includes Headset / Controller Cradle
- Compatible with all Calibur11 Vault Accessories
- Does Not Void Your Factory Warranty
- Console Sold Separately
- Available October 25th

You'll look as hard as nails

Locked and loaded

The two Vault cases have a recommended retail price of £69.99 and will be available to buy on October 25, three days before the official launch of Battlefield 3.

For a complete list of retailers please visit http://www.calibur11.eu/calibur11-resellers/

HEXUS Forums :: 4 Comments

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its different ill give them that, at £70 its alot though! Cools down your system is another good thing but dont see the point really, id rather put that £70 towards a whole new xbox which is like £90 and the fact that it wont improve performance doesnt really do much… no point having a 30C temp instead of a 50C if you cant overclock components etc.
its different ill give them that, at £70 its alot though! Cools down your system is another good thing but dont see the point really, id rather put that £70 towards a whole new xbox which is like £90 and the fact that it wont improve performance doesnt really do much… no point having a 30C temp instead of a 50C if you cant overclock components etc.

I agree. No point having cooling, but it could have been cheaper without it. At £30 I would have probably got one.
yeah £30 they have something, on the basis it makes it look different and if cooling is sufficient it can help in durability (not much though hehe)
To be fair, they do look pretty sweet! But I guess the question is… £70 worth of sweet? Probably not.