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Intel CTO Shares Vision for 3D WEB


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Named 'Scientist of the Year' back in 1989, Justin Rattner is a surprisingly warm and friendly character - with the kind of long term strategic vision that means he knows more than most about how our lives will shape up, over the next 20 years, than most. This comes in the wake of Intel's announced take over of Havok - which powers Second Life.

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I just love it when the serious hardware guys start to talk about where the future might be and what it might look like.

The major CPU vendors are gearing up to deliver ‘cores like they are going out of fashion’…

…and now we need the OS/Application guys to ‘pull their fingers out’ and start to deliver software that TRULY makes use of this power

3D WEB is a great idea - with fantastic applicatons - which can galvenise (the all important) money from not only technical markets - but also those of marketing, advertising and social networking

It's good to see a hardcore technologist like Justin Rattner waxing lyrical about the fun-side of real-world applications :thumbsup:
He's like your absent-minded grandad, albeit with a stratospheric IQ.

This guy really, really knows his stuff.
…stratospheric IQ…
How can I wrangle it to be sitting on the restaurant table next to his in sunny California when him and his mates are brainstorming about how the world will look in 2050 ?…

