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EntaLive: Corsair's RGB keyboards are almost ready


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Could arrive by the end of September with prices starting at "around Ā£140."

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HEXUS Forums :: 18 Comments

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Oh, Corsair. I love you. (Also, I'm on my mobile at work so I can't watch the video)

But that is a lot of money for a keyboard…
Lot of money for just for a flashy keyboard! :surprised:
That is very expensive! Can see the appeal for some but… naa
PCB has gotten a complete overhaul to accommodate the per key rgb lighting.
Add 2 extra lines/key, plus a controller able to address each led separately.
The stuff inside is way more expensive than the usual controllers.

So, in the end, it seems not that expensive in comparison to the non rgb versions.

If one looks at the whole picture, it surely is expensive, but if people only look at the price, we'd all be writing on rubber dome keyboards.
I want one, but fear the price will be too high.