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Review: KFA² GeForce GTX 780 in SLI

by Tarinder Sandhu on 23 May 2013, 14:09


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...The numbers are predictably impressive, with gains that put the Radeon HD 7990 and GeForce GTX 690 on the back foot.

It's a safe bet to assume the majority of Nvidia's add-in card partners are likely to retail a reference-like GeForce GTX 780, adding non-reference cards a short while afterwards. This is exactly the tack taken by KFA² - a partner known for producing some of the more outlandish custom designs for previous GeForce GTX cards.

And the very fact that KFA² has a reference card enables us to examine performance of two GTX 780s in SLI. The numbers are predictably impressive, with gains that put the Radeon HD 7990 and GeForce GTX 690 on the back foot.

We believe that, after analysing the power numbers and thermals, if the need should arise any time soon, Nvidia will be able to manufacture a single card with two GTX 780s riding on it. This so-called GTX 790 is sure to be a good fit for higher-resolution displays that are slowly coming to market.

Bottom line: Nvidia's GeForce Titan is priced outside the reach of most consumers, leaving the similar GTX 780 is the best single-GPU card. Harness two of them and, well, the numbers speak for themselves.

The Good

Nice scaling in SLI
Very, very quiet under load
Beautiful construction

The Bad

Two cards, £1,100 - go figure
Multi-GPU usage not as refined as single card's

HEXUS Awards

KFA² GeForce GTX 780 in SLI

HEXUS Where2Buy

The reviewed KFA² card can be purchased from Overclockers.co.uk.

HEXUS Right2Reply

At HEXUS, we invite the companies whose products we test to comment on our articles. If any company representatives for the products reviewed choose to respond, we'll publish their commentary here verbatim.

HEXUS Forums :: 15 Comments

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Wow, I can't believe it runs so cool and quiet in SLI mode.

I'd love to buy a slightly smaller version of this cooler but the chances of that are very slim, not to mention that it would probably cost a pretty penny.
Interesting article, would of liked to have seen them tested against against other multi-card setups for comparisons sake. I'd like to know the performance gains vs GTX680 SLi for example or 7970 Crossfire.
Now, to figure out whether to ebay my 670's to get one of these babies? Or wait for the 8 series…. argh
AMD next gen is supposed to be later this year too, earlier than Maxwell.
This is what people who can afford it should go for. I am certainly going to buy 2 of them. Thanks for a very thorough review.