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Review: Club3D Radeon HD 7990 6GB

by Tarinder Sandhu on 4 March 2013, 11:30 3.0

Tags: Club3D

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Far Cry 3

Homepage: Far-cry.ubi.com | Publisher and Developer: Ubisoft.com

Open-world gaming at its very best, Far Cry 3 redefines the genre through breathtaking visuals and first-class gameplay.

An HD 7990 is never too far off the lead in any test. The dual-GPU board has to give way to the GTX 690 at both tested resolutions, mind.

Stick Far Cry 3 on three full-HD screens, dial-in Ultra setting and 2x MSAA, and you'll need an uber card for nice frame rates. Any GPU costing below Ā£650 need not apply.