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Thecus eases power concerns for N5200PRO users

by Parm Mann on 3 July 2008, 14:42

Tags: N5200 Pro, Thecus (4978.TWO)

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According to Thecus, power consumption is a major concern for users of its N5200PRO NAS device.

Therefore, for the green-conscious user, the Taiwanese manufacturer has taken the time detail its energy-saving design with a set of reassuring numbers. So, according to Thecus, here's how the N5200PRO's power usage measures up:

  1. Without HDDs: 39W while running without any HDD
  2. Access: 79W while transferring files (with 5 750GB WD Caviar HDDs)
  3. Standby: 57W during system (& disk) standby

Thecus estimates that the average office PC draws approximately 110 Watts of electricity, the N5200PRO NAS, therefore, consumes 28 per cent less power when loaded with five hard drives.

Here's a useful little chart to put your energy concerns to rest:

There you have it, NAS lovers, you've no need to worry about leaving your N5200PRO running for long periods of time. You'll sleep at ease tonight, right?

HEXUS Forums :: 2 Comments

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So what are these figures as cost? I.e at UK electricity rates?
Assuming electricity costs around 10p per kW/h then it will cost about 14p to leave the unit on standby for 24 hours, or about Ā£50 per year.