HEXUS has reviewed its fair share of performance PCs over the years. The formula of late is one of pairing a high-end Intel Core processor with an Nvidia GPU, or two, from the capable GeForce stable.
So building a decent high-end system is perhaps easier than ever because the choice of core components is pretty much a given. Yet Nvidia, who dominates the add-in board market, has been popularising certain SI-built systems for a couple of years now. This program is known as the GeForce GTX Battlebox and is being given a new lease of life this year.
This autumn's Battleboxes are to be built by seven UK-based SIs and are designed to meet three key Nvidia-identified gaming requirements: 4K gaming, virtual reality readiness, and premium DX12 performance.
Appreciating the pixel pain caused by trying to meet these requirements, the latest generation of Battleboxes are meaty machines in every aspect. But how are these high-end PCs different from the ones you can already buy from these system integrators and what else sets Battlebox apart?
We spoke to Steve Bland, Nvidia sales manager for northern Europe, to get the lowdown on what Battlebox 2015 means to the well-heeled gamer.

Steve Bland, Nvidia
Q: In a few words, what is the Nvidia GeForce GTX Battlebox?
A: The Battlebox combines the most powerful GeForce GTX GPUs with the latest high-performance hardware to deliver the very best next-generation gaming experience. It means all your games are going to play beautifully and you’ll be future proof for some time to come!
Q: How is the Battlebox different from a regular high-end, SI-built PC featuring GeForce GTX graphics?
A: We work closely with all of our SIs to ensure that every Battlebox is hand-picked to feature the very best mix of components. It’s not just about making sure the PC is able to play the very best of today’s games, but also ensuring that it will endure for the next wave of 4K, DX12 and VR titles. Many Battleboxes are pre-overclocked and our SIs are true experts at this dark art. The rigs will be rock-solid, while getting you the most from your components.
Q: Which Nvidia certifications and standards must a GeForce GTX Battlebox meet?
A: Every GeForce GTX Battlebox is powered by the minimum of a GeForce GTX 980. This is combined with the latest components such as super-fast Intel Core i7 CPUs, a minimum of 16GB RAM and the fastest SSDs. They are built to the highest standard by our hand-picked, exclusive list of SIs – these companies have years’ worth of experience building the very best PCs available – whose knowledge is distilled into every GeForce GTX Battlebox built. These are made with a proper labour of love, just like you would find a car enthusiast building the very best kit-cars.
Q: VR is a cornerstone of Battlebox. Which VR solutions will you be supporting?
A: We’re working closely on all aspects of VR with several companies; Oculus, HTC, Valve and Epic to name just a few. We’ve been involved from the early days of the technology and our GameWorks VR tools are industry leading; the best developers are using them right now to build incredible games. VR is hugely exciting – I certainly can’t remember such a jump in pure gaming experience for many, many years, and our GPUs are all ready for it. We can’t wait to see the first games and all GeForce GTX Battleboxes will be VR-ready!
Q: Who is going to be selling GeForce GTX Battleboxes?
A: You can find all the SIs creating GeForce GTX Battleboxes here http://www.geforce.co.uk/geforce-gtx-battlebox-gaming-pc, but as a summary, CCL Computers, Cyberpower, Chillblast, Overclockers, PC Specialist, SCAN, and Novatech will all be producing Battleboxes in the UK.
Q: Will Nvidia be providing a special gaming bundle with Battleboxes?
A: Of course Batteboxes will benefit from the amazing gaming bundles that come with GeForce GTX graphics cards. Look out for more information on these very soon!