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HEXUS week in review

by Tarinder Sandhu on 18 May 2012, 15:25

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Another week and more content for you lovely guys and gals to digest.


AMD is putting significant store in its upcoming Trinity APU. To be the beating heart of the Austin outfit's mainstream laptop offerings for 2012, it absolutely needs to succeed. Our review reckons that AMD's in with a shout, marrying class-leading integrated graphics to an adequate CPU.

The talk of the tech town has centred on the numerous recent high-end graphics card releases from NVIDIA. The GTX 600-series has the limelight; MSI's pre-overclocked Radeon HD 7950 looks to steal some back.


You may be surprised to learn that a mainstream power-supply unit can happily power a high-end PC. Thermaltake's Smart M550W has many of the right credentials.

Perhaps waiting for the Facebook profits to come in, those with a few quid to spare can indulge in some multi-GPU love from NVIDIA, should they so wish. We test a couple of GeForce GTX 670 GPUs in SLI and find they're good enough to give The Beast™ a run for its money.


We love competitions as much as the next man. Hell, we love them more. Do the right thing and enter our Thermaltake and TERA compos: you never know, one of the prizes could be yours.

Facebook is about to float in a few minutes - exciting, huh? - but there's been other coming and goings this week. Thunderbolt, that super-speedy interface, is coming to Windows; Diablo 3 is now available, though you may still have problems logging in; Apple is forced to drop the 4G name for the international version of the new iPad; Intel's cent-saving strategy may have backfired, and NVIDIA is getting all happy about VGX.

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