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Apple iPad 3 QXGA panels enter production

by Alistair Lowe on 23 November 2011, 11:55

Tags: Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL), Samsung (005935.KS), Sharp (TYO:6753)

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qa76w

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Analysts are now reporting that QXGA 2048 x 1536 (3.1 Megapixel) IPS 'Retina' panels destined for Apple's upcoming iPad 3 have now entered production.

A combination of reports support evidence that Apple is having its displays produced by Samsung, Sharp and LGD. Typically one would associate this as a sign of rapid production for an imminent release, though it is more likely that three suppliers have been utilised to combat low-yields that had been reported along the grapevine, caused by complications in producing a panel that is both thinner and of a greater density than that of the panel found in the iPad 2.

It had been rumoured that Apple actually had two separate panel designs in the works right up until the last minute, one of which sported a superior spec. but was reliant on production yields, we wonder exactly which panel, if there truly were two,  Apple has requested be swung into production.

It's looking like Apple is on-track for an early Spring release, perhaps with a release announcement as early as January, though in typical Apple fashion, if this were to be so, real volumes of stock wouldn't reach us until February/March time at the earliest. Sporting an Apple A6 quad-core ARM-based processor, produced on TSMC 28nm nodes, the iPad 3 is sure to give the ASUS Transformer Prime some very serious competition, that is, for those who haven't been sold purely on the appeal of the detachable keyboard. ASUS will need to hurry up its supply of stock and dig-in over Christmas and the upcoming months in order to effectively compete with Apple's massive existing fanbase.

We eagerly look forwards to the release of iPad 3 and to the future of tablet computing in general, as competition looks likely to heat up once more early next year.

HEXUS Forums :: 23 Comments

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This is the only pro i can give Apple, their iphone and now their ipad have a very high resolution screen. Im really confused why Samsung or LG havent even managed this themselves, or if they did why dont they use it on their devices? I cant believe Apple would be able to make a superior panel to LG or samsung, especially if its IPS then LG should be bringing out the bees knees of displays.

Wonder if toshiba will release their panel tech before this, would be epic if other companies had something BETTER in the resolution area this time.
This is the only pro i can give Apple, their iphone and now their ipad have a very high resolution screen. Im really confused why Samsung or LG havent even managed this themselves, or if they did why dont they use it on their devices? I cant believe Apple would be able to make a superior panel to LG or samsung, especially if its IPS then LG should be bringing out the bees knees of displays.

Wonder if toshiba will release their panel tech before this, would be epic if other companies had something BETTER in the resolution area this time.

I think it's a case of, Apple said produce! The moment the technology was ready and they're the paying customer. We will certainly see this in upcoming Samsung devices, though Samsung prefers the use of OLED as advancements in that area are leading to more contrast, better power efficiency, flexible and thinner screens and also greater density.

It's very much a game of leap-frog. Come Feb, the iPad 3 may well be top dog in terms of capability, come June, the game may have changed and someone else is on top.
Smells like more exploding apple screens…

Given the yields have been quite low it suggests the technology hasn't been fully harnessed in manufacturing, fairl likely the first breed with these new screens will have some teething problems. iPad 3S will be the thing to go for perhaps? For now i think i will stick with my plans of going for the prime.
I wonder how fast the GPU will have to be to keep up with the iPad 2??
So depressing that just as I'm thinking about getting an iPad 2, the iPad 3 rumours come out! Excited to see what they add to this one to be honest, seems like it could be the usual incremental upgrade with an improved screen, processor, gpu etc.