It's not about the oil, honest!
No, no, no… It’s not a game about getting some mates to help you roll a 3 foot cone… - Nick Haywood nips down the garage for some M+Ms and Pringles
In the world of RTS games we’ve so far had futuristic dwarves and elves battle against weird human/devil clone things, we’ve followed Frodo and Bilbo through Middle Earth (again with dwarves and elves) and, for a change from dwarves and elves, we’ve had futuristic tanks and warplanes fighting over resources before killing each other and winning the map. Yes, I know I’m ignoring the Total War series and utterly belittling the entire of the Total Annihilation and Command and Conquer franchises, but of late, it seems to me that there’s far too many elves and dwarves… and surely by now our real life weaponry is worthy of a go on the virtual battlefield?

Happily, this is where Joint Task Force drops in, rolls a couple of stun grenades ahead of it before fanning out, taking cover and opening fire. At last, here is an RTS that’s set in the present, using current battlefield technology and even throws a bit politics into the mix for the whole resource business.

But while I’m all for a bit of real-life RTS action, is Joint Task Force comparable to the might and majesty of our own British Army or is it a bit ‘French’, putting up a token resistance before buggering off?