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LittleBigPlanet 2 - PS3

by Steven Williamson on 16 December 2010, 16:37

Tags: Sony Computers Entertainment Europe (NYSE:SNE), Action/Adventure

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qa3mt

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Players can reset the controller buttons for any object and change the rules to any level through an ability called Direct Control and new multiplayer abilities advance the types of games possible for a social/competitive experience— imagine racing games, flying games, shooters, puzzle games, sports, action/adventure, and more. And finally, what would a LittleBigPlanet game be without new SHARE abilities. Users will be able to link levels together to provide longer gameplay experiences without the breakup of going back to the ‘Pod’ and you’ll be able to see what LittleBigPlanet 2 levels/games your friends are playing via activity steams, so gamers will now spend less time searching and more time playing the millions of levels/games created by gamers around the world!

Along his adventure, Sackboy will have new tools and equipment to aid him on his journey, including a Grapple Hook for swinging across large gaps and pulling small objects towards you, Power Gloves for picking things up and throwing them, and a customizable Creatinator for Sackboy to carry that spews out anything a creator desires.

A new camera system, along with cinematic tools makes it easy to CREATE full cut-scenes, whether as stand-alone movies or cut-sequences in levels, for a more immersive and narrative experience to PLAY. You now have full control over camera position, movement (including tilt, zoom and shake), transitions, and timings, as well as the ability record full voice-overs for Sackboys and Sackbots that can be used in music videos, short films or even entire movies.

LittleBigPlanet 2 is currently pencilled in for a January 18, 2010 release.

HEXUS Forums :: 3 Comments

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I believe this is all that needs to be said:

I like LBP its great to play with mate's but agree there is way to much crap in the 1st one lol, i'm still looking forward to the 2nd but wont be paying more than £30 for it.
I believe this is all that needs to be said:


That's funny. I liked the first game, but the customisation doesn't interest me. I'll play through the story mode and that will be it.