Sony's next-gen console
So by now you’ll all be well aware of the PS3 and everything that goes with it. You’ll also know of Sony’s much-vaunted PS3 controller with it’s tilt motion sensor. Early on at E3 2006 we got ourselves over to Sony’s stand and had a good bash on the PS3 and tried out the controller.First off, we’d better make it clear that actual PS3 machines, even ones remotely similar to the various incarnations we’ve previously seen, are nowhere to be found on the show floor. Well, we say nowhere… we did find a rather fetching display case showing off the latest version of the final PS3 retail unit, but all the games are actually running on development boxes. As these pictures show, they resemble server racks more than anything else…
And now we have the latest retail version of the PS3. Our first thoughts? Well, simply put, it’s bloody huge. From a distance, the PS3 has more than a passing resemblance to those really old, early model top loading VHS video recorders. In fact, on closer inspection, you’d be forgiven for thinking Sony had fitted a new top to a PS2… not the slimline PS2s mind, I’m talking about the original version 1 consoles.
Notice the larger bottom half of the unit, absolutely chock full of ventilation slots. Obviously, this is for cooling, but the increased size of the PS3 and all those slots makes me think that perhaps the extra depth is caused by the cooling solution inside the machine. That’s one answer anyway… either that or CELL is one big-assed chip…
Check back soon for more on the PS3 and headlines games for the system.