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Medieval II: Total War expands it’s horizons!

by Nick Haywood on 2 April 2007, 09:25

Tags: Medieval 2 Total War, Sega (TYO:6460), Strategy

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HEXUS Forums :: 6 Comments

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Cool, loving this game as it is just how i like a game on very hard, Very frustrating and you have to get it all just right to win.

I'm impressed by the size of the damn thing… it's bloody huge!

75 hours? That's more playing time than you get in your average full-price standalone game…
I really cant wait for this, my favourite part of MTW2 is the crusading etc.

My only bugbear with MTW2 is that it is so big that individual campaigns dont seem ‘epic’ enough - simply because the overall game is so large - the expansion with smaller maps should overcome this :)
Excellent.. for some reason the chance to get into the Baltic Crusades (Teutonic stuff) really appeals…
this will be class, i love playing medieval II and a big expansion will just keep it going, cant wait!