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Grand Theft Auto V PC trailer published in 1080p, 60fps

by Mark Tyson on 3 April 2015, 10:05

Tags: Rockstar, Kickstarter

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qacqhy

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Rockstar has released a trailer for Grand Theft Auto V on PC, showing the game at its best yet. The one minute 20 second compilation of game scenes runs at YouTube's recently introduced maximum quality and frame rate setting; 1080p and 60 frames per second.

The PC version of GTA V will be the most visually stunning yet. If you have the correct setup you should be able to enjoy the game at up to 4K resolutions or spread across up to three monitor screens. Not only will PC gamers enjoy the newfound eye catching graphical clarity they will also have access to a first person mode toggle just like the 'next gen' consoles.

GTA V has been delayed a number of times on the way to the PC. Pre-order customers have received a few brown envelopes of in-game cash and apologies to placate them. However the latest date of 14th April seems to have stuck.

If you want to see more GTA V PC eye-candy have a look at the set of PC screenshots released a week ago, on the Rockstar NewsWire.

Elite: Dangerous for PC and Mac hits Steam

Steam has added Elite: Dangerous to its online games distribution store. The apparently surprising move has caused a lot of questions to be raised on the official Elite forums. Polygon reports that while current Elite owners will be able to add the game to the Steam library they might not receive a Steam key for the game. In the future there may be Steam achievements and trading cards introduced.

Interestingly Elite: Dangerous will be a 'crossbuy' game on Steam, so you can play it on your PC and/or Mac system, and it won't need to be purchased separately for each OS.

HEXUS Forums :: 10 Comments

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Did they bother to optimise this one? GTA IV was a fiasco.
Did they bother to optimise this one? GTA IV was a fiasco.

Well they are making more noise about this one plus it has been a long time coming unlike 4 which appeared to be rushed, so I would like to think they have.
Hmm a lot of the textures don't look that great from that Trailer, Cant say I'm that impressed.
God DAMN that looks good
Did they bother to optimise this one? GTA IV was a fiasco.

I really hope so! The last one was terrible for that on pc. But if they get this right, it's going to be one hell of an experience. I've already played it tonnes on the ps4. I can't wait to play it with a proper fov and framerate with quicker loading times :)