With many of the games on the list featuring in the shortlist for the ‘One To Watch’ award, it’s all to play for in the final week of voting. Voting closes on Monday 17th October and the winners will be revealed at the official ceremony on Friday 21st October at the Park Plaza Westminster Bridge, London.
In conjunction with the voting, GamesMaster has revealed 30 of the most-anticipated game releases due in the next 12 months, which includes a head-to-head battle between the two most-hyped military first-person shooters of the coming months – EA’s Battlefield 3 and Activision’s Modern Warfare 3.

The list reads as follows:
1. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – release 11th November 2011 (Bethesda Softworks)
2. Assassin's Creed: Revelations – released 15th November 2011 (Ubisoft)
3. Saints Row: The Third – released 18th November 2011 (THQ)
4. Battlefield 3 – released 25th October 2011 (EA)
5. Modern Warfare 3 – released 8th November 2011 (Activision)
6. Bioshock Infinite – released 2012 (2K Games)
7. Far Cry 3 – released 2012 (2K Games)
8. Mass Effect 3 – released 6th March 2012 (EA)
9. Aliens: Colonial Marines – released Spring 2012 (SEGA)
10. Ghost Recon: Future Soldier – released 9th March 2012 (Ubisoft)
11. Hitman: Absolution – released 2012 (Square Enix)
12. Halo 4 – released 2012 (Microsoft Studios)
13. Tomb Raider – released 2012 (Square Enix)
14. Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Wii) – released 18th November 2011 (Nintendo)
15. Super Mario (3DS) – released November 2011 (Nintendo)
16. Metal Gear Solid: Rising – released 2012 (Konami)
17. Starcraft II: Heart of the Swarm – released 2012 (Blizzard Entertainment)
18. Guild Wars 2 – released 2011
19. Agent – released 2012 (Rockstar Games)
20. Uncharted: Golden Abyss for PS Vita – released 2012 (Sony Computer Entertainment)
21. DOTA 2 (Defence of the Ancients 2) – released 2012 (Valve Corporation)
22. Syndicate – released 24th February 2012 (EA)
23. Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception – released 2nd November 2011 (Sony Computer Entertainment)
24. Max Payne 3 – released March 2012 (Rockstar Games)
25. Spec Ops: The Line – released 2012 (2K Games)
26. Street Fighter X Tekken – released 2nd March 2012 (Capcom)
27. SSX – released 15th October 2011 (EA Sports)
28. The Last Guardian – released 2012 (Sony Computer Entertainment)
29. Fable: The Journey – released 2012 (Microsoft Studios)
30. Prototype 2 – released 24th April 2012 (Activision)
Voting is now live at www.goldenjoystick.com and will take place until 17th October 2011.
The 2011 shortlists, which boast the likes of Call of Duty: Black Ops, LA Noire and Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, have been selected by a handpicked panel of Future Publishing’s gaming experts, chaired by GamesMaster Editor-in- Chief, Robin Alway.
GamesMaster Golden Joystick Awards 2011 categories
1. Ultimate Game of the Year
2. One To Watch
3. Best Shooter
4. Best Action/Adventure
5. Best RPG [Role-Playing Game]
6. Best MMO [Massively Multiplayer Online
game] 7. Best Fighting Game
8. Best Racing Game
9. Best Sports Game
10. Best Strategy Game
11. Best Music-based Game
12. Best Free-to-play Game
13. Best Mobile Game
14. Best Downloadable Game