Share and share alike
Wouldn't it be great if you could apportion a part of your home Wi-Fi network to other users and use theirs in return, for free?That's exactly what BT and FON are rolling out right now.
BT has partnered with Spanish-based FON to create a quid-pro-quo infrastructure where you allow other BT/FON-registered users to log-on securely, via their own credentials, to your Wi-Fi - should they happen to be in your area and in range of your network - in exchange for the same favour at any member's location around the country.
So if you happen to be a subscriber to BT's Total Broadband, membership to this sharing scheme is simply a matter of logging in to your account and stating that you're 'in'.
A quick search reveals a scant number of BT/FON-enabled Wi-Fi spots in this writer's locale, but the idea is a sound one. Read more here.
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