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Excel can't multiply - Major bug found

by Nick Haywood on 25 September 2007, 10:32

Tags: Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT)

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850x77.1= erm, gimme a second... er, 100,000? Yeah, that'll do.

It's a given that every major software release, being the complex things that they are, has a few bugs here and there... but this multiplication bug in Excel 2007 is a pretty big oversight on Microsoft's part.

On a Google.groups message board, a poster has found a bug in Excel where anything that should resolve to 65,535 is displayed as 100,000.

In trying, and succeeding, to confirm this, other posters have discovered more flaws in Excel 2007's multiplication abilities, such as the following:


All of these give incorrect answers... defaulting, it would appear, to 100,000.

Worse, is the formula is contained in a cell and then used as part of another formula, the result from that will be wrong as well as the original formula solution will be incorrect. Good, eh?

I've just spoken with one team of accountants using Excel 2007 and they're now checking all their formulas as this could have a major impact on their clients' spreadsheets.

The bug has been reported to Microsoft so you can expect a fix pretty damn soon... until then, keep that Texas Instruments calculator handy!

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Which is why I'm sitting here using Office 2003 (for a very large employer), and probably will be for the next several years, and why at my last (even very larger) employer we were using a 2 generation old version of Lotus Notes, as whilst cost is a factor, reliability is always the most important factor in a business environment.
I was always taught never to rely solely on a calculator - use your noggin to at least estimate the result :)

I'm really surprised that automated testing didn't flag this bug. I wonder if it was present in the beta versions or has crept in via subsequent patching?
Microsoft like to release software when its not ready - people pay to beta test it!

When will people learn that Microsoft software/OS's are only ready after at least a year of bug fixes…

(patiently waiting for Vista to be ready…)
you get what you pay for
“…using Excel 2007 and they're now checking all their formulas as this could have a major impact on their clients' spreadsheets.” You think! Can't wait for my next tax bill (you can just bet that all those wonderful people down at the revenue offices are using Office 2007)